Shopline VS WordPress,哪一個更適合做為電商網站的選擇?
Shopline 與 WordPress 都是許多人採用的網站系統,想建立一個電商網站用哪一個比較好?應該使用 Shopline 還是 WordPress?
這是許多人想要事先釐清的問題,就像大多數事情一樣,對於是否應該使用 Shopline 或 WordPress 的答案是:取決於你的需求和情況是什麼。
Shopline 和 WordPress 的主要區別
Shopline 是一個能讓商家建立自己電商網站的開店系統,因此已經內建許多電商行銷功能,讓企業不必獨自去解決技術上的問題,而且在創建帳戶後就可以快速啟用自己的電商網站。
Shopline 與其他開店系統非常類似,它們的核心價值就是讓沒有技術或建站能力的用戶都可以輕鬆創建自己的網路商店,而且無需借助任何程式編寫或系統安裝。
因此 Shopline 只是一種網站租借方案,這表示付費使用並非等於買斷所有權,所有物件、功能都是在 Shopline 的服務器上運行。運行電商所需的一切都是付費即用,也就是說你可以在付費後馬上通過既定的應用功能來滿足需求,不用等待任何的製作時間或評估報價。
平台託管 WordPress:平台託管方式可以在 上註冊與購買,這與 Shopline 一樣,是一種需要依照方案付費,然後才可以使用各種功能。
自行管理 WordPress:WordPress本身是一個開源 CMS 系統,可以直接從 下載檔案,然後安裝在自己的伺服器上。它是開源軟體且免費佛心提供,所以可以隨意地調整與應用,這是一個非常靈活的工具,在合適的開發人員的手中,或通過許多外掛功能,可以滿足任何網站使用需求。
雖然可以免費安裝 WordPress,但需要考慮建站成本,像是網域、主機和其他成本。所以,以下的比較將是以自行管理的 WordPress 為主。
關於這一點,Shopline 就像去租商用辦公室,花錢使用一個現成的商辦,然後只有使用權限,不付租約後只能滾蛋。WordPress 就像自建辦公室,要如何設計、建造、裝潢自己都能全權決定,但是如果能力不足就會搞砸事情。
Shopline 和 WordPress 適合誰使用?
客觀公平地說,Shopline 的主要用戶是沒有網站開發技能或不想耗費太多時間、預算的人。
如上所述,Shopline 是任何人都可以使用並快速創建自己網路商店的工具。相比之下,WordPress 並沒有辦法在安裝後馬上完成所需功能。
不過與 Shopline 一樣,WordPress 也適合電商發展用戶,不懂技術者可以外包完成,只是需要耗費許多時間和找到合適的外包對象,不然後續可能會有使用操作上的麻煩。另外,在許多情況下,使用 WordPress 網站可能會比 Shopline 需要更多的學習適應能力。
WordPress 還可以迎合擁有大量開發能力或願意學習的人,因為可以使用 WordPress 來建構任何類型的網站,並且功能上不受限制。
Shopline 和 WordPress 誰更受歡迎?
好消息是,Shopline 與 WordPress 都很受歡迎,兩者都擁有一定數量的用戶群。據 Shopline 官方所說,使用該平台的企業已經超過15萬家,可以說是最受歡迎的同類產品中之一;WordPress 很難明確計數,不過被粗估至少超過 6 百萬。鑑於這些數字,這兩者不太可能在短期內就毀滅、消失。
Shopline 和 WordPress 需要多少費用?
而要建構 WordPress 網站的成本範圍很廣,這是因為涉及的變數太多了。一個常見的誤解是,WordPress 是一個完全免費的建站軟體,對,但要建站並非完全免費,因為許多層面都需要付費才能讓 WordPress 發揮強大功能,像是:
・伺服器(用於安裝 WordPress 和存儲資料的空間)
・外掛(雖然 WP 有許多免費外掛,但不免要購買專業外掛增加更多功能)
如果你的需求很簡單,完全不需要客製化,而且沒有相關技術底子,那麼使用 Shopline 或其他開店系統可能更合適,這能夠為你省時又省力,即使會多花一些費用!
從長遠來看,更經濟的方法會是 WordPress,但是,費用不應該是考慮使用 WordPress 或 Shopline 唯一的因素,應用功能和自我管理能力同樣重要。
Shopline 提供了一系列的網站設計模板,所有設計模板都經過專業設計,也可以同時迎合桌面版和行動版的使用需求。
然而,與 Shopline 的設計模板相比,WordPress 擁有的數量相對多~非常多,雖然很難準確確定 WordPress 的主題模板數量,但至少有成千上萬可以選擇。
Shopline 模板雖然少得多,但比較容易調整修改,因為變化度比較有限,是缺點同時也是優點;WordPress 模板更加多元化,不過這種情況會使選擇模板更加困難、更加耗時,操作上也需要更多時間學習。
對於任何想建立電商網站的人來說,Shopline 的介面非常直觀,所以可以非常輕鬆地管理產品和相關設定。
但在內容管理上,我認為 WordPress 更全面,因為其頁面或文章的每個版本都可以存儲在系統中,可以隨時回到任何版本,Shopline 則不能這樣做;其次,WordPress 允許比 Shopline 以更靈活的方式使用分類和標籤。
值得一提的是 Shopline 是直接使用的系統工具,在操作上可以節省很多時間,雖然靈活度很有限,但是對技術能力上的要求並不高,而且還有專員可以詢問。
WordPress 絕對是兩者中更靈活的建站工具,與 Shopline 相比,它已經存在更長時間並被廣泛應用,在許多層面是更加成熟的。此外,WordPress 的開源特性使得可以完全控制自己的網站。
如前所述,WordPress 並沒有內建的符合電商需求的功能,必須額外使用外掛增加強化。
可以說 Shopline 在電子商務方面具有天生的優勢,因為它是一個專門針對電商的建站工具,因此,購買後就能直接使用電商所需要的功能。
雖然 Shopline 天生就具備了電子商務功能,但是 WordPress 在電商功能也有很多應用技術和解決方案可以選擇。當然,這兩種工具也是可以互相搭配應用的。
搜尋引擎最佳化 SEO
SEO 對任何網站都是至關重要的,因為如果沒有良好的搜尋能見度,對流量或銷售都是一大損傷。是的,可以使用 Facebook 廣告和 Google Ads 為網站帶來流量,但這並不是最聰明完善的行銷方式。
整體而言,WordPress 肯定是 SEO 比較戰役中的贏家,WordPress 在這方面具有更好的優勢並不奇怪,因為可以透過外掛功能自由增加任何所需功能。雖然 Shopline 沒有外掛功能,但也有 SEO 相關功能,儘管如此,依然不是最完善的,不過也不是很差勁。
Shopline 用戶不必過於擔心網站維護與安全問題,運行網站的所有技術全由官方負責;而使用 WordPress 則是相反的,你需要自行負責與更新。
換句話說,如果你是 Shopline 客戶,那麼 Shopline 有責任確保他們的系統不會受到損害,網站不會被駭客入侵並且要備份數據;使用 WordPress,如果你沒有額外聘請專業人員或代管來維護網站,那麼最終安全責任屬於你自己!
簡而言之,這在方面使用 Shopline 是更為輕鬆又省心的,萬一出了什麼差錯,那麼 Shopline 有責任幫助你解決問題。
諮詢客服無庸置疑是 Shopline 勝出,當你購買 Shopline 任何方案後,將獲得附加的諮詢服務。遇到任何平台問題,只需聯繫客服團隊,他們會協助你解決它。
WordPress 則不同,如果你的網站遇到任何困難,你需要自己去尋求幫助。例如:WordPress 論壇、網站製作公司、了解 WordPress 的專家或朋友。
什麼時候應該使用 Shopline 或 WordPress?
情況1:還沒有網站並且想要快速啟用自己的電商網站,那麼請使用 Shopline。
情況2:你沒有任何設計、編碼或網站架設技能,並且不想花錢外包和學習,那麼請使用 Shopline。
情況3:你已經擁有 WordPress 網站並且很熟悉,例如 WooCommerce 和如何串接金流物流,那麼請使用 WordPress。
情況4:你已經擁有一個 WordPress 網站,並且想要使預算的投入最小化,那麼請使用 WordPress。
情況5:如果你想要變更調整源代碼,或者想要以最快速度因應各項趨勢作網站優化,請使用 WordPress。
WordPress 毫無疑問是比 Shopline 更成熟、更靈活的建站工具,它擁有更大的用戶群、更多的佈景主題和應用功能可以選擇。如果有相對應的技能和資源,基本上可以使用 WordPress 去構建任何類型的網站。
但在許多情況下,Shopline 或其他網路開店系統可以更好、更快地滿足想要發展電商的需求,這是因為它是一個現成的模組工具,讓用戶可以直接上手使用。此外,還可以獲得免費的諮詢服務,為你解答相關問題,而不是自己摸索撞牆。
最後,如果你是電商領域的新手,並決定建立自己網路商店,那麼我認為 Shopline 更容易、更安全、更便捷。相對的,假如你有好預算、技術能力或相關資源,使用 WordPress 可以得到更好的結果。
在建立網站方面,Shopline 和 WordPress 絕對不是唯一的選擇,還有許多替代方案可供選擇。其他的替代方案可能是 Meepshop、Cyberbiz、Joomla、Wix 或 Weebly…等等,在此就不一一介紹。
10 Types Of Digital Marketing You Should Know – And Consider For Your Marketing Strategy

„Digital Marketing“ is one of those terms with which we all have a feeling that we know what it means, but when it comes to nailing it down we somehow get stuck. In the end, it is not clear which types of digital marketing we are talking about.
So instead of going for something soft like „it is related to internet marketing“ or „a summarizing term for all online marketing activities“ lets put it simply:
Digital Marketing are all marketing activities that use digital devices.
That includes online marketing activities – but strictly speaking, that also includes some traditional marketing activities, too. And that is good. Why? Because it would be a mistake to view online marketing activities totally detached from all other marketing activities. A great marketing campaign will combine the best of both worlds.
To give you a thorough understanding of what the term „Digital marketing“ includes, here are the 10 most important types of digital marketing. And you should make sure that you know about all of them before you decide what types of marketing you are going to include in your digital marketing strategy. And don’t just focus on one type of digital marketing. Most successful digital marketing solutions follow a multi-channel approach.
1. Social Media Marketing
The Social Ms has a strong focus on social media marketing. So that is where we are going to start our list of types of digital marketing. Social Media certainly has a rightfully earned place in this list.
Social Media Marketing is „the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service.“ Source Wikipedia
That means all sharing of information and engagement with followers, fans, partners or competitors on social media platforms with the goal of promoting your products is part of digital marketing. In essence, social media marketing is the targeted use of social media conversations to increase awareness for a brand or product.
But be careful, to be successful with social media marketing you have to fully understand the one social network you want to use for your marketing. Each social network has unique features, communication best practices, and content they like. Some social networks will work great for your situation, product and content – others won’t.
Today, almost all digital marketing strategies utilize social marketing one way or the other. And don’t worry, your social media strategy does not have to use ALL available social channels or take a lot of manual action. Focusing on one or two social networks and adding marketing automation to your activity will make it much more efficient.
Example: There are endless case studies for social media marketing. But I know that most of our audience are bloggers and small business owners. That also means that most of you will not have much benefit from reading about a marketing campaign run by big brands like Coca-Cola or Microsoft. What you need are examples of people who succeeded with social media marketing on a budget with not much to go than the will to succeed and the manpower of one or two people.
That is why I will tell you a little more about our own story today:
Jonathan and I founded our first company in 2010. It was an online business but we both had not much experience with running and marketing an online business. We planned on hiring someone to help with our marketing – but the plan had a problem: We did not know what we needed to do in marketing and no real expert was available at the price we could pay.
In the end, we had to learn marketing ourselves. And we needed to learn fast and had neither time or money to fail often.
We tried a ton of things and nothing worked until we made Twitter our friend.
We were running an online publishing platform for business content and needed traffic for the content on our platform to make it more interesting for people to publish content on it. We also needed signups – meaning more people publishing content on the platform. And we needed more content published.
Twitter was the perfect social media platform for us.
What we did:
Twitter marketing usually means sharing useful information for your target audience. Out content included a ton of useful information for various target groups. We started a couple of Twitter accounts for various niches like automotive, health, tourism, finance, and so on. We shared content on these Twitter channels that matched the target group for that Twitter account. We connected to people from our target group for each of the accounts with likes, retweets, and the following of targeted people.
The results?
Most of the accounts grew a bunch of followers. Some niches were easier to access than others. We got a ton of traffic from Twitter to our content on the platform and with getting more eyes on our content other traffic sources like Google search also grew. Our platform grew to 500k pageviews per month!

But people did not just read the content. They also wanted to be part of the platform. We got new signups – 80 thousand registered users. And w got people to publish content on the platform: 50 thousand published articles.
The cost:
Apart from a couple of Twitter automation tools that came around 50$ per month, we did not pay for our marketing strategy. The marketing was mainly run by Jonathan and me.
What we invested were our time and workforce!
2. Content Marketing
Content marketing is the art of using storytelling and valuable information to increase brand awareness with the goal of getting your target audience to take a profitable action. Content marketing aims at building relationships with potential customers and becoming a partner rather than an advertiser. That means that content marketing is often used in inbound marketing strategies through a content strategy that focuses on providing value to the target audience with the content.

Image Source: Content Marketing Institute
If you want to know more and start with your content marketing today, check out this “Beginner’s Guide To Content Marketing!”
Content Marketing strongly relies on content distribution. Content marketing can rarely be seen totally separated from other types of digital marketing that can fill the content distribution part. For an in-depth view on the relationship between content marketing and SEO check out this article.
As with social media marketing, for content marketing, you can find an endless number of case studies and examples out there.
Companies like Hubspot grew their business based on content marketing. SAP realized as early as 2011 how powerful content marketing could be and started their SAP Business Innovation as a place to publish great stories of customer innovations with the goal to engage prospects with quality content.
But also small companies and startups can use content marketing – without the need for a huge budget. And that is why I chose Buffer as my example for content marketing.
Some of you may know the tool Buffer that lets you schedule content for the major social networks. Buffer was founded in 2010 – and its early marketing strategy was mainly based on publishing quality content. But instead of publishing all their content on their own website – or blog – they heavily engaged in guest posting.
Buffer was founded in a college in the United Kingdom by Joel Gascoigne and Leo Widrich.
Both were utterly new to marketing at that time. And like so many other small startups they failed at outreach to other blogs: Nobody wanted to write about the new tool (I can totally relate, we tried the same with our startup and failed as they did…)
The hard truth is that when you have a new product or business it is absolutely hard to get other blogs to write about you. Why should they?
Instead, Buffer started their own blog where they covered topics related to social media that were of interest to their potential customers. After publishing a ton of content on their blog they started their outreach to other blogs: Would they be interested in similar content? And yes they were!
In those early days of Buffer, Leo Widrich published around 150 guest posts. He used the gust posts not only to build links to the Buffer App and blog for more traffic from Google search. He also used the guest posting activity to build his reputation and connect to influencers and other bloggers.

Image Source: Cognitive SEO
Today, Buffer is a multi-million dollar company. And their success is based on a content marketing campaign with a strong focus on guest posting that did not need a huge budget but was mainly run on the writing skills of one of the founders!
3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is the process of optimizing content or websites so that they show up in search results in search engines like Google. Search engines decide which websites to show for a search term based on keywords mentioned on the website and links that refer to this website. That means SEO has a lot to do with using the right keywords or keyphrases in the copy of a website or within the content you want to show in organic search and getting links to this website or content.

Image Source: Neil Patel
There are multiple strategies for optimizing your website(s) for search engines, and it certainly involves a lot more than shady link building. Some optimizations are accepted by Google and others are regarded rather shady and may result in Google penalizing your website. Read more about what SEO is and how it works in this article.
There is a strong connection between content, social media marketing, and SEO. The most obvious is that social media and SEO are perfect distribution channels for content.
Example: Let me tell you a story of a new website that managed to grow to 100k visitors in 12 months. Without any fancy stuff, just plain SEO work that you can do for your website too!
Start with the low hanging fruit:
Research some longtail keywords and phrases where the competition is low. How can you identify them? If the search results do not include any big-name brands from your niche, the search results don’t look overly professional and the listed content is somewhat older – that is your chance to rank your new content.
Secure a handful of links to your important pages:
This is a tough task. But it still can be done. There are some methods that you can do like ego-bait or offering a discount to readers from a blog if the blog links to your site. Or if you offer a unique service you may be able to ask service listings to add your service.
Find a link strategy:
In this example, they used high-quality photos that they offered for general usage via creative commons licenses asking people to link back to their site if they wanted to use the images. That earned them a growing number of links back to their website.
Create content with search engines in mind:
No, I am not saying they created bad SEO content. But they did their homework and found keywords that they had a chance to rank for and then created quality content for it.
If you are a blogger or content marketer and want to grow your traffic from Google search, keywords research will become your routine task.
Level up:
When you are successful with your SEO it is going to fuel itself: More traffic from search means more visitors, more visitors means more returning visitors and more links, more links means better search rankings and your traffic will increase. That is how it should work.
For Siege Media, this all played together and allowed them to reach awesome 100k visitors after just 12 months.

Image Source: Search Engine Land
4. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
While SEO describes the process of getting unpaid traffic from search engines – SEM refers to using paid advertising to get traffic from search engines. The most common form of search engine marketing is probably Google Adwords for the simple reason that Google is by far the most used search engine.

Image Source: Search Engine Land
In SEM the marketer usually pays the search engine a predefined amount of money for showing a marketing message at various places within the search results for specified keywords or phrases.
Paid search or SEM is a form of Pay-Per-Click advertising and is part of digital advertising.
5. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)
Similar to SEM other forms of PPC advertising also describe marketing methods where the marketer pays for each click on a link to a website. Apart from search engines, almost all social networks offer the opportunity for Pay Per Click advertising. These ads then appear in the feed of the targeted social media users.
Note that many of these activities cannot be clearly separated. The lines between the various types of digital (online) marketing are often blurred.
6. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a performance-based type of digital marketing. In contrast to PPC advertising with affiliate marketing, the advertiser does not pay for traffic but rather for conversions. The rates are usually higher but the risk on the side of the advertiser are limited since he only pays for conversions.
Affiliate marketing is popular with bloggers and high-traffic website owners who make money from selling other people’s products to their audience.
7. Email Marketing
Email marketing is one of the best converting marketing channels. By sending regular updates to your email subscribers you can build and nurture a relationship. By providing value with your email updates you can build trust – eventually, you will be able to turn a percentage of your audience into customers.

Note that email marketing is far more than buying an email list and bombarding them with promotional messages or a one-time advertising spot in someone else’s email newsletter.
The best results from email marketing will always be achieved with a list of subscribers you personally earned and nurtured. Then your email list can easily turn into your best digital marketing asset and an email campaign can drive sales.
Many articles on digital marketing stop with the above 7 types of Online digital marketing. But then we could simply name it online marketing.
The advantage of email marketing over some of the other digital marketing channels is that you own your list. While your social media audience can be gone with the suspension of your Twitter account or the shutdown of your Facebook ads account and your search traffic can be void from one day to the next if Google penalizes your website for some reason, your email subscriber list is yours.
You can decide how you treat them, how often you send emails, and what you send them.
A simple example of how to use email marketing to increase your revenues is Craghoppers email campaign to avoid shopping cart abandonment.

Craghoppers tracked people who put items in their shopping cart but never finished the purchase. To these people, they sent two emails, the first after 24 hours the second email after three days. Both emails had the purpose of re-engaging their customers and eventually inspire them to complete the purchase.
The email campaign re-engaged 56% of the recipients of the emails and inspired 30% of them to open the email and still 10% of them to complete the purchase.
That’s two very powerful emails!
You can find more on this email marketing case study here.
For your digital marketing strategy you should also know about the most important offline digital marketing types:
8. Radio advertising
You know what I am referring to, don’t you? Those breaks in your favorite music program where someone tells you what car to buy or what cleaner to use. Some of these spots can be rather annoying, a select few manage to be entertaining – at least when you hear them the first time.
There is still more to radio advertising: For instance, you can sponsor a program.
9. Television advertising
It is not dead yet: The spot that breaks up your favorite television program. While we are more and more getting used to finding ways to omit having to actually watch TV commercials there is still some marketing success in TV advertising.
In fact, some spots like the ones created for Super Bowl make it to some notable marketing fame. Some of the best Super Bowl spots even make it to social media fame and get a ton of shares that the advertisers do not have to pay for – or rather which is probably calculated into the price of advertising space for Super Bowl anyway.
What you need to keep in mind is that advertising via TV offers very limited targeting options.
Edit: Since there have been a couple of comments on this post why radio and television are included here, let me explain. There has been a huge development in radio and television in recent years and there are such things as digital radio and digital television. The options for marketing with digital adds a ton of options that former non-digital radio and television did not provide. That is the reason why I think digital radio and digital television have a rightful spot in this list of digital marketing types.
10. Mobile Phone Advertising
Of course, many of the above types of digital marketing can take place on your mobile phone. That is called mobile marketing.
You are probably using Facebook, Instagram, and Google on your mobile phone after all. But there are some other types of marketing on your mobile phone that so far would not fit into any of the mentioned categories: mobile advertising.
SMS advertising has been around for some time now.
WhatsApp as a marketing channel is growing. And with technology like Bluetooth still on the rise, the marketing and advertising options for mobile especially in local marketing have by far not yet been fully leveraged.
Final Words
It may be arguably what else belongs to „digital marketing.“ Marketing channels, skills, and digital tools are evolving. The marketing industry is not static but changing, growing, channels are coming up or dying, and skills like growth hacking live of the constant invention of new marketing tactics. Developing a successful online marketing strategy involves a lot of skills, knowledge – and even trial and error.
However, if you want to decide on your digital marketing strategy, you should be aware of these 10 – and choose the ones that you believe are best suited for your purposes.
Keep in mind that they all interact with each other and often the lines are blurred. A great marketing campaign will combine multiple digital channels. You will most likely use more than one type in your marketing strategy.
One more thing. Digital marketing will be different for larger businesses and enterprises than for small businesses and bloggers. While some campaigns may look similar, the setup, the processes, and the tools you need will be different.
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遙距營商計劃 D-Biz 三十萬元政府資助

香港特區政府在第二輪「防疫抗疫基金」下推出「遙距營商計劃 D-Biz」(Distance Business Programme),推出為期六個月、為數十五億元的「遙距營商計劃」(D-Biz),透過特快批核,資助企業利用創新與科技,在疫情期間開拓遙距業務,創造新的機遇,轉危為機。
網上申請時段:2020年5月18日上午9時起 至10月31日下午6時
只要是有助於遙距營商的科技應用,不論是設置網店(online stores)、進行網上營銷(e-marketing)、強化網絡安全(cybersecurity)、或是方便在家工作的遙距文件管理系統(remote document management)、遙距團隊管理(remote team management)、網上會議(virtual meeting)等,購買和採用科技方案及相關培訓的開支,都適用於資助範圍。
1. | 網上營商
2. | 網上接單和送遞、智能自助服務系統
3. | 網上客戶服務和推廣
4. | 客戶數碼體驗升級 為企業透過科技改善客戶服務經驗及體驗,包括但不限於:
5. | 數碼支付 / 流動裝置零售管理系統
6. | 線上 / 雲端財務管理系統 採用電腦系統來管理公司與財務相關的流程,適用但不限於:
7. | 線上 / 雲端人力資源管理系統 採用電腦系統來管理公司與人力資源相關的流程,適用但不限於:
8. | 遙距文件管理、雲端儲存及遠端存取服務
9. | 網上會議工具 運用工具以允許群組成員透過以下功能,利用互聯網進行虛擬協作或會面,適用但不限於:
10. | 虛擬團隊管理和溝通 運用工具以允許群組成員透過以下功能,利用互聯網進行虛擬協作或溝通,適用但不限於:
11. | 網絡安全方案
12. | 其他線上/度身訂造/ 雲端業務支援系統
科技券計劃 | 創新及科技基金
(1) 在香港登記並有實質業務運作最少一年;及
(2) 僱用少於100人的製造業企業,或少於50人的非製造業企業
科技券計劃由2020年4月起加碼,資助額上限由40萬提升至60萬,資助比例由2比1升至3比1 (即政府資助項目費用75%),申請資數上限由4次提升至6次。
電子商務系統包括網店內容管理系統 (CMS)、客戶及管理Apps、網上支付、網絡營銷系統、存貨管理和自動數據收集系統,方便客戶消費及提高客戶忠誠度。
銷售點管理系統 POS
客戶關係管理方案 CRM
客戶關係管理方案 (Customer Relation Management, CRM) 令公司集中處理所有客戶的詳細資料,了解現有及潛在客戶的需要,並為市場推廣提供數據以作分析,增加銷售。
將傳統系統放上諸如Amazon Web Services (AWS)等的雲端系統,有助IT系統的整體可持續發展性,減輕成本及風險,並進行實時的大數據收集及分析。

首先總結一下申請的重點。企業在提交申請時在本港有實質業務運作,最多獲批三個項目,合共獲發最多40萬, 2:1 的配對方式,企業要負擔不少於總成本三分之一。資助可用於科技顧問服務,購置設備、軟件及科技服務方案。簡單來說, 申請科技券分為3個步驟,
文件要齊!BACK & FORTH 最花時間!
在此申請者會遇到兩大難題,首先是如何獲得足夠數量的報價? 既然申請的是有關科技的資金,有些技術在香港實在非常少有,如醫療的手術機械,供應商幾隻手指已經數完。有些技術甚至只有一家供應商,如八達通。遇上這情況並非不能申請,但必須要清楚說明不能提供足夠報價單的原因。同樣地,申請時間有機會延長。
SEO 優化網站管理
Google Search Console(前身是Google Webmaster Tool, GWT 網站管理工具)是用來監測你的網站在Google搜尋引擎中表現結果的工具,它可以告訴你,在近期的90天內,你的網站內容點擊次數、曝光次數、點閱率最高的是哪些網頁,人們使用哪些關鍵字找到你,以及你的網站排名在Google的搜尋結果是第幾名。

使用Google Search Console的目的如下:
- 確保Google可以了解你的網站內容,以及它如何讀取你的網站內容
- SEO成效分析,優化搜尋排名
- 監控和處理錯誤的網頁以及垃圾訊息,維持你的網站有良好的內容表現
- 哪些網站連結到你的網站
- 你的網站在移動裝置上的表現
而當你將你的網站綁定Google Console之後,你將可以看到以下的資訊:
搜尋分析是在搜尋流量中最重要的部分,透過這個報表,你可以自行選擇想要分析網頁的主要內容。包括「點擊次數」、「曝光次數」、「點閱率」、「排名」,這4個只有在Google Search Console才能看到的內容。此外,還可以根據網頁、國家/地區、使用裝置、日期做查找的另一個維度。
比方說如果在1000次曝光下,有5個使用者點進去你的網站,點閱率就是5÷ 1000 × 100% = 0.5%。
舉例以下面這張圖來說,你可以看到TransBiz的網站使用者透過哪些關鍵字(amazon 台灣、亞馬遜 台灣、seo、跨境電商、amazon台灣)來到我們的網站。
看到排名第二的「亞馬遜 台灣」,在這個圖表後方,其數值代表的意義是:在近28天內 [最多只可以看到90天內的搜尋結果],當使用者搜尋「亞馬遜 台灣」的時候,TransBiz的網站在使用者面前出現的次數(曝光次數)達8,870次,而看到它出現在搜尋結果中,又點進去網站的累積人次(點擊次數)有2,206次,而點閱率則是以點擊次數除以曝光次數乘以百分比計算之(點閱率:2206÷ 8870× 100% = 24.87%)。
若輸入的關鍵字是熱門的關鍵字,通常在搜尋結果的第一個跟第二個會是廣告欄位。接著才是Google演算法的自然搜尋流量排名。透過無痕視窗的搜尋結果,你可以看到上面這張圖,TransBiz的網站在「亞馬遜 台灣」是排名第3個。
2. Google 索引
3. 檢索
4. 檢索統計資料
Google Search Console的有效期限是90天,優化網站是一個持續不間斷的過程,如果你有認真更新,最好是能夠每個禮拜看一下網站的表現,或是至少一個月應該要看一次,才不枉Google免費提供給你那麼多的資源,讓你的網站能見度能夠更高,並且提升網站的搜尋引擎排名。